Facescan Security Breach

A massive breach of security on the part of Facescan, the world’s most popular surveillance media platform, has recently been discovered. The personal data of millions of Oceanians may have been leaked to Eurasia in what Ministry of Truth officials are calling the largest infosec disaster ever.

Subjects voluntarily submit their data to the platform, which offers privacy controls to protect against unauthorized proles accessing subjects’ Facescans. Party members, of course, always have authorized access. Eurasian s are not supposed to have access under any circumstances. There are also a number of analytics run on each subject’s profile for purposes of advertising, social experiments, and public safety. It should be noted that Facescan subjects agree to the use of their data in this manner as a condition of registration.

Through a security hole in the popular “Spy Myself” feature, attackers were able to sweep up personal and non-public data on Facescan users and remain undetected for an unknown period of time. Although it is difficult to trace connections back fully in these kinds of circumstances, Eurasia was a likely destination. Based on the well known recent political interference in surveillance media, this fits their agenda.

In a publicly broadcasted meeting before a panel of Inner Party officials earlier this year, Facescan creator and chief officer Marcus Zunderblog claimed that his platform takes security seriously.