Facescan Security Breach

A massive breach of security on the part of Facescan, the world’s most popular surveillance media platform, has recently been discovered. The personal data of millions of Oceanians may have been leaked to Eurasia in what Ministry of Truth officials are calling the largest infosec disaster ever. Subjects voluntarily submit their data to the platform, which offers privacy controls to protect against unauthorized proles accessing subjects’ Facescans. Party members, of course, always have authorized access. ...

Nerve Gas Poisoning in Airstrip One

New details about last week’s nerve gas attack in Airstrip One have surfaced. A joint investigation by the Ministries of Love and Peace is still ongoing, but the following can be confirmed. The primary target has been determined to be a former Eurasian spy, who previously defected and was rehabilitated after seeing for himself the wonderful national spirit and wellbeing of Oceania and the benevolent administration of the Party. On account of this, Eurasia is suspected as the most likely culprit behind the attack. ...

Trade Restrictions

This is a regular reminder that trading in certain goods from Eastasia is restricted. Even though all of Oceania’s industries are strong and self-sufficient, the Party allows external trade to aid our ally’s developing economy. In return for their meager offerings, we supply them with finished consumer products, medicines, and other things they cannot make for themselves. However, there are some restrictions in place to prevent market manipulation and for safety reasons. ...

After Parkton, Big Brother Demands All Oceanians Help Protect Our Spies

Big Brother addressed the nation yesterday to deliver an important message in the wake of the recent violence at the Parkton Young Party Members Education Center. “There is no simple answer to the problem of violent thoughtcriminals who target our innocent Spies,” BB said. “We must not simply talk about it as we have before. This has been happening for too long, too many times. Starting today, we will get it done. ...